Yojana Magazine July 2022 - Summary
Yojana Magazine is a monthly magazine published in English, Hindi, and many other regional languages of India. The magazine gives different shades of opinion and views on any issue and thereby presents a balanced picture. Users can also read the magazine in Hindi, Telugu, Urdu, Bengali, Gujarati, etc.
It is the most important source of government information, and thus the chances of questions being asked increase. Yojana magazine helps one to learn the technique of handling any issue in a balanced manner and how to do constructive criticism.
Yojana Magazine July 2022
YOJANA, a development monthly published since 1957, is a theme-based journal providing in-depth analyses and views on socio-economic issues in the broader framework of government policies. Although published by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, YOJANA is not restricted to expressing the official point of view.
Importance of Yojana Magazine for IAS
- Yojana Magazine online covers important socio-economic issues.
- Since the yojana magazine is published by the Government of India, the authenticity of the facts cant go wrong, and it can help the aspirants very well in the Mains exam where the candidates can quote the government’s perspective on different policies and schemes.
- Covers many topics including current affairs important for Essay and GS papers in UPSC Mains
- Reading the Yojana magazine also helps in the UPSC personality test/interview
- It contains credible information as it comes from the government itself – hence, can be safely used in the UPSC exam
- It generally gives both sides of the coin, i.e., both the pros and cons of an issue
- Topics covered include polity, governance, schemes, agriculture, economy, international relations, federalism, budget, banking, etc.
- Recommended by most IAS toppers
You can download the Yojana Magazine July 2022 PDF using the link given below.