PINDICS Form in PDF download free from the direct link below.

PINDICS Form - Summary

Performance Indicators (PINDICS) are essential tools for assessing the performance and progress of teachers. They consist of performance standards (PS), specific standards, and performance indicators. Teachers can utilize PINDICS to evaluate their own performance continuously and strive to achieve the highest level of excellence. Moreover, supervisory staff or mentors can use PINDICS for teacher appraisals, offering constructive feedback aimed at enhancing teacher performance.

Understanding PINDICS

PINDICS Form PDF can be downloaded from the link provided at the bottom of this page. Derived from specific standards, the PINDICS includes various forms to assess Performance Standards (PS), Performance Indicators, and Special Standards. It allows us to weigh the areas where teachers perform their tasks and responsibilities against established performance standards.

Performance Standards (PS)

Performance Standards clearly communicate the expectations for each responsibility area of job performance. The following performance standards have been identified:

  • Designing Learning Experiences for Children
  • Knowledge and Understanding of Subject Matter
  • Strategies for Facilitating Learning
  • Interpersonal Relationships
  • Professional Development
  • School Development
  • Teacher Attendance


PINDICS can empower teachers to assess their own performance and encourage continuous efforts towards improvement. They can also be utilized for teacher appraisal by supervisory staff or mentors, who assess performance and provide constructive feedback for growth. Each performance indicator is rated on a four-point scale, which indicates levels of performance:

Rating Points:

  1. Not Meeting the Expected Standard
  2. Approaching the Expected Standard
  3. Approached the Expected Standard
  4. Beyond the Expected Standard

Guidelines for Headmasters

Headmasters should conduct assessments twice a year, keeping the following points in mind:

  1. Complete the teacher identification information.
  2. No item should be left blank.
  3. Read each performance indicator carefully and reflect on it in the context of classroom practice, providing a rating in the appropriate box.
  4. Position yourself on the four-point scale based on your performance against each indicator.
  5. Prepare a descriptive report based on your assessment, including areas that may require assistance.
  6. After final submission, you may download the teacher performance sheet.

You can download the PINDICS Form PDF using the link given below.

PINDICS Form PDF Download