NCERT Alternative Academic Calendar for Primary Students Part-2 Hindi PDF

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NCERT Alternative Academic Calendar for Primary Students Part-2 - Summary

In this period of Covid-19, which is declared as a global pandemic, our teachers, parents, and students have to remain at homes to prevent its spread in the community. In this situation, it is our responsibility to provide them with multiple alternative ways of learning at home through interesting activities. It is necessary because, in the present environment of stress, we not only have to keep our children busy but also maintain continuity of their learning in their new classes. In this context, NCERT has developed an Alternative Academic Calendar for all the stages of school education.

In this calendar, the themes/topics have been selected from the syllabus and are linked with the learning outcomes. Guidelines have been developed for conducting interesting activities based on these learning outcomes. But it is a matter of fact that many teachers and parents only have simple mobile phones as a tool available at their homes and all the teachers and students do not have a virtual classroom facility. In view of this the activities are designed and presented in such a way that many activities can be conducted by the parents and students on their own after talking to the teachers over the phone. The teachers can contact parents and students using a range of tools starting from simple mobile phones to internet-based diverse technological tools for giving them the appropriate guidelines for conducting these activities given in the calendar.

This calendar is flexible and suggestive. The teachers can implement this taking into consideration the contexts and needs of the State/UT. This calendar has been developed by the faculty members of all the constituent units of the NCERT including NIE, CIET, PSSCIVE, and all the five RIEs using online platforms such as WhatsApp, Google Hangout, Zoom, etc., for discussion and feedback. Their hard work is commendable

Download the Alternative Academic Calendar for Primary (Class 1-5) Students Part-2 in PDF format online from the link given below or read online.


NCERT Alternative Academic Calendar for Primary Students Part-2 Hindi PDF Download