MOHFW Advisory – Health Workers Working in COVID & Non COVID Areas of Hospital - Summary
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Directorate General of Health Services (EMR Division) has released Advisory for managing Health care workers working in COVID and Non-COVID areas of the hospital. As government of India is worried for health care personnel working in hospitals because they are in much closer contact with infected persons and are at increased risk of acquiring the COVID-19 disease.
Action for Healthcare Workers
- Ensure that all preventive measures like frequent washing of hands / use of alcohol based hand sanitizer, respiratory etiquettes (using tissue / handkerchief while coughing or sneezing), etc. are followed at all times.
- He / she shall use appropriate PPE at all times while on duty.
- A buddy system* to be followed to ensure that there is no breach in infection prevention control practices.
- Any breach in PPE and exposure is immediately informed to the nodal officer / HoD of the department
- HCWs after leaving the patient care units (wards/OPDs/ICUs) at the doctor’s duty rooms/hostels/canteen or outside the HCF must follow social distancing and masking to prevent transmission to/acquiring infection from other HCWs who may be positive.
- Pregnant / lactating mothers and immuno-compromised healthcare workers shall inform their medical condition to the hospital authorities for them to get posted only in non-Covid areas.
Download complete MOHFW Advisory – Health Workers Working in COVID & Non COVID Areas of Hospital in pdf format or read online through direct link provided below.