Ladwa Master Plan 2031 - Summary
Ladwa is a small town situated on height and is famous for the Sikh Dynasty of North Estate. The town and the neighborhood belonged to a Sikh Misaldar and were confiscated by the British in the year 1846 as the Raja had fought on the side of the Sikhs in the first Sikh war.
A master plan is a land-use plan focused on one or more sites within an area that identifies access, general improvements and needed infrastructure, and intended to guide growth and development over a number of years and in phases.
The master plan is an overarching planning document and spatial layout which is used to structure land use and development. ‘Master plan’ is an all-encompassing term. Its scope can range from 10-year implementation at the regional scale, to an illustrative plan of small scale groups of buildings.
Download the Ladwa Master Plan 2031 in PDF format using the link given below or alternative link.