KV Local Transfer Form 2020-21 - Summary
This is an application form for local transfer which can be used by the KV students to transfer one KV school to another and this form can be downloaded from the link given below.
Details to be Mention in KV Local Transfer Form 2020-21
- KV School Name
- Name of the Students
- Father Name
- Reason for seeking transfer
- Class in which the child is studying
- Signature of the parent/guardian with date
- Residential address at the time of admission
- Present residential address
- And any other details
Documents Required
- KV Transfer Form
- Xerox copy of Gas connection, Ration Card, Voter I.D. Card/ Aadhaar
Card/Allotment of Quarter in case of Govt. accommodation, Driving license - And any other documents
You can download the KV Local Transfer Form 2020-21in PDF format using the link given below.