IPS Cadre Allocation 2021 - Summary
Hello, Friends today we are sharing with you IAS Cadre Allocation 2021 PDF to help you. If you are searching you UPSC (IAS) Cadre Allocation 2021 then don’t worry you have arrived at the right website and you can directly download from the link given at the bottom of this page.
A cadre is nothing but a state or group of states/Union Territories to which officers of the All-India Services, like the IAS and IPS, are allocated. After being assigned to a certain cadre, IAS officers usually work in the same cadre throughout their service, unless they go for central government deputation.
IPS Cadre Allocation 2021
The candidates give their choice in the descending order of preference from amongst the various Zones. Upon classifying the zonal preference, the candidates need to indicate the preference of cadres from each preferred zone. The candidates will indicate their second cadre preference for every preferred zone thereafter
You can download the IPS Cadre Allocation 2021 PDF format using the link given below or an alternative link for more details.