In-Situ and Ex-Situ Conversation of Biodiversity PDF

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In-Situ and Ex-Situ Conversation of Biodiversity - Summary

Here we have uploaded the In-Situ and Ex-Situ Conservation of Biodiversity PDF in English for you to easily download. Conservation is the protection, preservation, management, or restoration of wildlife and natural resources such as forests and water.

Understanding In-Situ and Ex-Situ Conservation

In-situ conservation focuses on protecting endangered species in their natural habitats. This means keeping them safe in the places where they live. On the other hand, ex-situ conservation involves moving endangered or rare species from their natural homes to safe areas where they can be protected and preserved.

Types of Conservation

  1. In-Situ Conservation
  2. Ex-Situ Conservation

In-situ conservation is the process of conserving genetic resources within natural populations of plant or animal species. This method helps protect forest genetic resources found in tree species and other wildlife.

By cleaning up their habitats or defending them from predators, we can improve the chances for endangered species to thrive. Farmers often practice in-situ conservation to ensure agricultural biodiversity, especially those who engage in eco-friendly farming methods. To support these efforts, areas can be declared as protected zones.

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