Humsafar Trains Number & Running Schedule - Summary
Humsafar Express Train Numbers & Running Schedule
The Humsafar Express is a fully premium service featuring AC-3 Tier and Sleeper Class accommodation. With all modern facilities, it is tailored for comfort and convenience, making it one of the preferred choices for Indian Railways passengers. This train caters to long-haul routes, ensuring a smooth travel experience.
Inauguration and Service Details
The first Humsafar Express service was launched on 16 December 2016, running between Gorakhpur and Anand Vihar Terminal in New Delhi. Since then, it has become popular among travelers due to its enhanced amenities and timely service.
Traveling by Humsafar Express not only promises comfort but also ensures that you have a safe journey. You can find the PDF download of the train numbers and running schedule below for your convenience.
Whether you are planning a trip or just inquiring, the Humsafar Express offers an excellent option for train travel in India. Don’t forget to check the schedule and download the PDF for all the details you need!