Harmonium Notation Scale Chart PDF

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Harmonium Notation Scale Chart - Summary

The Harmonium Notation Scale Chart is essential for anyone learning to play the harmonium, an instrument that was invented in France during the nineteenth century. It was brought to India by the British during their rule in the late nineteenth century. The cover of the harmonium protects its inner workings and helps block higher frequencies while allowing lower frequencies to pass through.

When starting out, beginners often make mistakes while learning to play the harmonium. But there’s no need to worry—mistakes are a part of learning, and practice truly makes a person perfect. Therefore, keep practicing, and soon you will play as well as many experienced musicians. Start by carefully reading and following the scale so you can grow in your musical journey. Let’s begin!

Harmonium Notation Scale Chart Download

There are two main variations of the scale: the major and minor scales, both of which fall under the diatonic scale category. The diatonic scale contains 5 whole steps and 2 half steps. Below, you can read the pattern of the diatonic scale:

  • Major Scale: Whole-Whole-Half-Whole-Whole-Whole-Half
  • Major Scale C: C -whole- D -whole- E -half- F -whole- G -whole- A -whole- B -half- C
  • Minor Scale: Whole-Half-Whole-Whole-Half-Whole-Whole
  • Minor Scale of A: A -whole- B -half- C -whole- D -whole- E -half- F -whole- G -whole- A

Fingerings Position

  • Ascending: S, R, G, m, P, D, N, S’
  • Finger Numbers: 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Descending: S’, R, G, m, P, D, N, S
  • Finger Numbers: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1
  • Fingerings Left Hand: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1
  • Fingering Right Hand: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3

Finger Numbers

  • Thumb is Number 1
  • Index Finger is 2
  • Middle Finger is 3
  • Ring Finger is 4
  • Little Finger is 5

You can download the Harmonium Notation Scale Chart PDF using the link given below.

Harmonium Notation Scale Chart PDF Download