Form 1A PDF

Form 1A in PDF download free from the direct link below.

Form 1A - Summary

Form 1A PDF is essential for those applying for a driving license in India. You can easily download Form 1A from the official Sarathi Parivahan website ( or by visiting your local RTO. To complete the application, this form needs to be presented to a medical practitioner for a medical examination. After the medical practitioner signs it, you should submit it at the RTO to proceed with your driving license application.

Importance of Form 1A

The Form 1A signifies that you are medically fit to operate a vehicle. If you are under 40 years old, you are required to submit Form 1 instead. Submitting these forms is mandatory for obtaining a driving license in the country.

How to Fill Form 1A

Form 1A is divided into three sections: personal information with a photo, a declaration, and a medical fitness certificate. You will fill out the first section, while a registered medical practitioner will complete the second and third. Here’s how to fill the form step by step:

  • Attach your recent passport-size photograph at the top right-hand corner of the form. In the first point, write your full name as it appears in your identity proof. In the second point, list two visible identification marks, like birthmarks or moles.
  • Point three contains declarations confirming that you are fit to drive and that your current medical condition doesn’t endanger others on the road.
  • Declaration ‘a’ asks if you have any vision problems. If the doctor checks ‘yes,’ they must also state if wearing glasses can correct your vision.
  • The second declaration confirms if you can tell the difference between colors like red and green. The third declaration checks if you can spot other vehicles and number plates from a distance of at least 25 meters. The doctor will mark ‘yes’ if your sense organs are working properly.
  • Declaration ‘d’ inquires if you suffer from any deafness that could affect your driving safety.
  • Point ‘e’ checks for night blindness, a condition that makes it hard to see at night, often linked to vitamin A deficiency. This issue could hinder your ability to drive after dark.
  • Declaration ‘f’ assesses if you have any deformities or loss of organs that might impede your driving abilities. The RTO wants to ensure that drivers do not pose any risk to themselves or others on the road.

Documents to Attach with Form 1A

Here is a list of documents you need to provide when filling out Form 1A:

  • Identity proof
  • Recent passport-size photograph of the applicant
  • Duly filled Form 1

You can download the Form 1A PDF using the link given below.


Form 1A PDF Download