DU Science First Cut Off List 2020 PDF

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DU Science First Cut Off List 2020 - Summary

The First Cut-Off list for admission to various Undergraduate Courses (based on merit) of the University of Delhi for the Academic Year 2020-2021 will be notified/displayed by the different colleges of the University by Monday, the 12th October 2020.

The details of the minimum cut-off percentage of marks (First Admission List) at which admissions to various courses have been offered by different colleges are given in the enclosed charts. The eligible candidates who meet the requirements notified in the First Admission Cut-Off list are further advised to complete their admission formalities through online mode within the stipulated time, as notified earlier on the University Website.

You can download the DU Science First Cut Off List 2020 in PDF format from the official website of DU university as a link given below or an alternative link for more details.


DU Science First Cut Off List 2020 PDF Download