CUCET Syllabus 2022 PDF

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CUCET Syllabus 2022 - Summary

Hello, Friends today we are sharing CUCET Syllabus 2022 PDF to help students. If you are searching for CUCET Syllabus 2022 in PDF format then don’t worry you have arrived at the right website and you can directly download it from the link given at the bottom of this page. Students preparing for Central Universities Common Entrance Test(CUCET) 2022 must know the syllabus and exam pattern of the examination.

NTA is going to conduct the Central Universities Common Entrance Test CUCET 2022 for undergraduate and postgraduate courses. The candidates who will be qualifying for Central Universities Common Entrance Test(CUCET) 2022 are eligible to get admission to 14 Central Universities and 4 State Universities.

CUCET Exam Pattern 2022: UG Paper 1

CUCET Details CUCET 2022 Exam Pattern
Types of questions MCQs(Multiple Choice Questions)
Total number of questions 100 Questions
Duration 2 hours
Maximum Marks 100 Marks
Marking Scheme Correct Answer = +1 Marks will be allotted for each correct answer.
Incorrect Answer = -0.25 Marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.
Topics Part A

  1. Reasoning
  2. General knowledge
  3. General aptitude
  4. English
  5. Numerical aptitude/data interpretation
Part B: Physics and Chemistry 
Part 3 and 4: Part 3 and 4 are for Mathematics and Biology respectively. The students are required to attempt only one part between parts 3 and 4.

CUCET Exam Pattern 2022: UG Paper 2

Details Exam Pattern
Types of questions MCQs(Multiple Choice Questions)
Total number of questions 100 Questions
Duration 2 hours
Maximum Marks 100 Marks
Marking Scheme Correct Answer = +1 Marks will be allotted for each correct answer.
Incorrect Answer = -0.25 Marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.
  1. English
  2. Analytical skills
  3. Numerical aptitude/data interpretation
  4. General aptitude
  5. General knowledge
  6. Reasoning

CUCET 2022 Syllabus

CUCET Syllabus 2022 for UG- Physics

  1. Measurement
  2. Motion in one dimension
  3. Laws of Motion, Motion in two dimensions
  4. Work, Power, and Energy
  5. Linear Momentum & collisions
  6. Rotation of a rigid body about a fixed axis
  7. Gravitation
  8. Oscillatory motion
  9. Mechanics of solids and fluids
  10. Heat and thermodynamics
  11. Wave
  12. Electrostatics
  13. Current Electricity
  14. Magnetic Effect of Current
  15. Magnetism in Matter
  16. Electromagnetic induction
  17. Ray Optics and optical instruments
  18. Wave Optics
  19. Modern Physics

CUCET Syllabus 2022 for UG- Chemistry

  1. Atomic Structure
  2. Chemical Bonding
  3. Redox Reactions
  4. Chemical Equilibrium and Kinetics
  5. Acid-Base concepts
  6. Electrochemistry
  7. Catalysis
  8. Colloids
  9. Colligative Properties of Solution
  10. Periodic Table
  11. Preparation and Properties of certain substances
  12. Thermochemistry
  13. General Organic Chemistry
  14. Reaction intermediates
  15. Isomerism
  16. Polymers
  17. Carbohydrates
  18. Solid State
  19. Petroleum

CUCET Syllabus 2022 for UG- Maths

  1. Algebra
  2. Probability
  3. Trigonometry
  4. Coordinate Geometry
  5. Calculus
  6. Vectors
  7. Dynamics
  8. Statics

CUCET Syllabus 2022 for UG- Biology


  1. Origin of Life
  2. Organic Evolution
  3. Human Genetics and Eugenics
  4. Applied Biology
  5. Mammalian Anatomy
  6. Animal Physiology


  1. Plant Cell
  2. Protoplasm
  3. Ecology
  4. Ecosystem
  5. Genetics
  6. Seeds in angiosperm plants
  7. Fruits
  8. Cell Differentiation Plant Tissue
  9. Anatomy of Root, Stem, and Leaf
  10. Important Phylum

CUCET Exam Syllabus UG 2022

Part Section Subject
Part A
  1. English
  2. Numerical Aptitude/Data Interpretation
  3. Analytical Skills
  4. Reasoning
  5. General Aptitude
  6. General Knowledge
Part B Section I (Physics) Measurement, Motion in one dimension, Laws of Motion, Motion in two dimensions, Work, Power and Energy, Linear Momentum & collisions, Rotation of a rigid body about a fixed axis, Gravitation, Oscillatory motion, Mechanics of solids and fluids, heat and thermodynamics, Wave, Electrostatics, Current Electricity, Magnetic Effect of Current, Electromagnetic induction, Ray Optics and optical instruments, Wave Optics, Modern Physics
Section II (Chemistry) Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding, Redox Reactions, Equilibrium and Kinetics, Acid-Base Concepts, Acid-Base Concepts, Catalysis, Electrochemistry, Colloids, Colligative Properties of Solution, Periodic Table, Thermochemistry, General Organic Chemistry, Reaction intermediates, Isomerism, Polymers, Carbohydrates, Solid State, Petroleum
Section III (Mathematics) Algebra, Probability, Trigonometry, Coordinate Geometry, Calculus, Vectors, Dynamics, Statics
Section IV (Biology)
  1. Zoology: Origin of Life, Organic Evolution, Mechanism of Organic Evolution, Human Genetics and Eugenics, Applied Biology, Mammalian Anatomy, Animal Physiology
  2. Botany: Plant Cell, Protoplasm, Ecology, Ecosystem, Genetics, Seeds in angiosperm plants, Fruits, Cell differentiation Plant Tissue, Anatomy of Root, stem and leaf, Important phyla, Soil, Photosynthesis.

You can download the CUCET Syllabus 2022 PDF using the link given below.


CUCET Syllabus 2022 PDF Download