Assets Statement Form West Bengal PDF

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Assets Statement Form West Bengal - Summary

The Assets Statement Form is an important document that the government of West Bengal requires to declare and disclose assets held by individuals. This form helps promote transparency, accountability, and integrity in public service and governance, making it essential for everyone involved.

The Assets Statement Form plays a key role in preventing corruption and ensuring that public officials and employees are accountable. It helps keep an eye on potential conflicts of interest, unexplained wealth, and illicit activities.

Understanding the Assets Statement Form West Bengal

Assets Statement Form West Bengal (INSTRUCTIONS)

  1. Every government employee working under the government of West Bengal, except for those in inferior services, must submit an annual return of movable and immovable properties. This includes any assets owned, acquired, inherited by them, their wife, dependants, or assets held under lease or mortgage, whether in their own name or in the name of any family member or other person. Note that members of the All-India Services are governed by specific rules.
  2. The Declaration of Assets must always refer to ‘1st January of the current year’. Any asset acquired between 1st January and the date of declaration should usually not be included. However, if there is any doubt about the exact date of the assets, these may be added for the current year but should be mentioned again in the declaration for the next year. It is advisable to submit the Declaration of Assets as soon as possible after New Year’s Day.
  3. If someone is joining government service for the first time, they must submit the return within three months of starting their job. This return should reflect their assets as of 1st January immediately before their joining date.

You can easily download the Assets Statement Form West Bengal PDF using the link provided below. This PDF will help guide you through the process effectively.📥


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