Alkaline Foods List PDF

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Alkaline Foods List - Summary

Download the Alkaline Foods List in PDF format from the link provided below and explore the world of alkaline diet. The alkaline diet (also known as the alkaline ash diet, alkaline acid diet, acid ash diet, and acid alkaline diet) is a collection of diets that focuses on the idea that the foods we eat can affect the pH balance of our bodies. However, this belief is based on a common misunderstanding.

Understanding the Alkaline Diet

This diet originated from the acid ash hypothesis, which was mainly studied in relation to osteoporosis. Supporters of the alkaline diet think that certain foods can change the body’s acidity (pH) and that this change can help in treating or preventing diseases. However, many credible laboratories have carried out thorough research on this topic and found that the theory behind the alkaline diet is incorrect. As a result, this diet is not recommended by dietitians or other health experts due to the lack of scientific support.

Alkaline Foods List Download Free

 Alkaline Foods List
Vegetables  Summer squash Grains, Cereals Diary & Meat
Artichokes Sweet Potatoes & Breads None
Asparagus (tips) Swiss chard Amaranth Condiments &
Bamboo Shoots Tomatoes Buckwheat Spices
Broccoli Turnips Kamut (Unfermented Soy)
Beetroots Watercress Millet Almond Butter
Bell Peppers Wheatgrass Quinoa Bee Pollen
Brussels Sprouts Wild Greens Spelt Bragg Aminos
Cabbages Zucchini Sprouted Breads Chili Pepper
Carrots Fruits Sprouted Tortillas Cinnamon
Cauliflowers Avocados Yeast-Free Curry Powders
Celery Grapefruits Breads Ginger
Chard Lemons Sweets & Guacamole (fresh
Chayote Limes Desserts made)
Chicory Tomatoes None Herbs (all)
Chives Oils & Fats Beans & Houmous
Collard Greens Avocado Oil Legumes Lemon Juice
Cucumbers Coconut Oil All moderately Lime Juice
Dandelions Flax Oil acidic Sea Salt
Dills Hemp Seed Oil Nuts & Seeds Oriental
Dulce Olive Oil Almond Butter Vegetables
Eggplant Saffower Oil Almonds Daikon
Endives Sesame Oil Carraway Seeds Dandelion Root
Garlic Grasses & Cumin Seeds Kombu
Green Beans Sprouts Fennel Seeds Maitake
Green Olives Alfalfa Hemp Seeds Nori
Green Peas Alfalfa Sprouts Pumpkin Seeds Reishi
Greens (leafy) Amaranth Sprouts Sesame Seeds Sea Vegetables
Horseradishes Barley Grass Sunflower Seeds Shitake
Jerusalem Broccoli Sprouts Drinks Umeboshi
Artichokes Dog Grass Alkaline Water Wakame
Kale Fenugreek Barley Grass
Kelp Sprouts Huide
Leeks Kamut Grass Coconut Water
Lettuces Kamut Sprouts Fresh Lemon &
Mustard Greens Lemon Grass Lime Water
Okra Millet Sprouts Fresh Veg Juices
Onions Mung Bean Green Drinks
Oyster plants Sprouts Green Tea
Parsley Oat Grass Herbal Tea
Parsnips Quinoa Sprouts Wheat Grass
Peas (fresh) Shave Grass Juice
Peppers Spelt Sprouts Udo’s Choice
Radishes Wheat Grass Beyond Greens
Sea Veggies
Sprouts (all)

Why is the Alkaline Diet Not Recommended?

Despite the popularity of the alkaline diet among some individuals, the scientific community largely agrees that there is no strong evidence supporting its claims about food and body pH. Therefore, it is essential to consult with health professionals when considering any significant dietary changes.

For your convenience, you can easily download the Alkaline Foods List in PDF format by clicking the link below. This handy resource will help you learn more about alkaline foods, even if the diet itself is debated among experts.

Alkaline Foods List PDF Download