Ziarat-e-Ashura With Urdu Translation PDF

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Ziarat-e-Ashura With Urdu Translation

Ziyarat Ashura is an Islamic salutatory prayer to God. The prayer is part of the liturgy used in pilgrimages to the shrine of Husayn in Karbala. Ziyarat Ashura is attributed to Muhammad al-Baqir, the fifth Shia Imam, who transmitted it to his followers. The prayer is found in sacred hadith narrated in particular by Shaykh Tusi in Misbah al-Mutahajjid and by Ibn Qulawayh in Kamil al-Ziyarat.

The prayer is also referenced in Bihar al-Anwar by Allamah al-Majlisi and Mafatih al-Jinan by Abbas Qumi. Ziyarat Ashura contains concepts like tabarra (dissociating from those who oppose God, oppose Muhammad or oppose his family), tawalla (loving the Ahl al-Bayt), self-sacrifice for society, and never surrendering to tyranny and oppression

Ziarat-e-Ashura With Urdu Translation

السَّلامُ عـَلَيـْكَ يا وارِثَ آدَمَ صـَفـُوةِ اللهِ

Peace be upon you, O inheritor of Adam, the chosen one of Allah

السَّلامُ عـَلَيْكَ يا وارِثَ نـوُحٍ نَبــِيِ اللهِ

Peace be upon you, O inheritor of Nuh, the Prophet of Allah

السَّلامُ عـَلَيـْكَ يـا وارِثَ إبـراهيـمَ خـَليـلِ اللهِ

Peace be upon you, O inheritor of Ibrahim, the friend of Allah

السَّلامُ عـَلَيـْكَ يا وارِثَ موســى كـَليِم اللهِ

Peace be upon you. O inheritor of Musa, the one who talked to Allah

السَّلامُ عـَلَيـْكَ يـا وارِثَ عـيـسى روُحِ الله

Peace be upon you, O inheritor of Isa, the spirit of Allah

السَّلامُ عـَلَيْكَ يا وارِثَ مـُحـَمـّدٍ حـَبـيبِ اللهِ

Peace be upon you, O inheritor of Muhammad, the beloved friend of Allah

السَّلامُ عـَلَيـْكَ يـا وارِثَ اَميرِ المُؤمِنينَ وَلَيِ اللهِ

Peace be upon you, O inheritor of Ali, the commander of the faithful and the friend of Allah

السَّلامُ عـَلَيـْكَ يَابـنَ مـُحـَمـّدٍ المـُصـطـَفـى

Peace be upon you, O son of the Muhammad mustafaa

السَّلامُ عـَلَيْكَ يَابـن عـلي المرتـضـى

Peace be upon you, O son of Ali Murtazaa

السَّلامُ عَلَيْكَ يَابـن فاطـمة الزهراء

Peace be upon you, O son of Fatema,

السَّلامُ عَلَيْكَ يَابـنَ خَديجَةَ الكُبـرى

Peace be upon you, O son of Khadijatul- kubra

السَّلام عَلَيْكَ يا ثارَ اللهِ وابـنَ ثارِِهِ والوِتـرَ المَوتـوُرَ

Peace be upon you, O he who fought in the way of Allah and the son of one who fought in the way of Allah

اَشـهَدُ اَنَّكَ قَد اَقَمتَ الصَّلاةَ وَآتَيتَ الزَّكاة

I bear witness that verily you established the prayers And gave the zakat (prescribed share) to the needy

وَاَمَرتَ بـاُلمِعروف ِوَنَهَيتَ عـَنِ المُنكرِ

And commanded to do what is right and lawful And not to do that which is wrong and unlawful

وَاَطـَعـتَ اللهَ وَرَسـولَهُ حـَتّى اَتيكَ اليَقـينُ

And obeyed Allah and His Messenger until the inevitable came unto you

فـَلَعـَنَ اللهُ اُمَةً قَتـَلَتـكَ وَلَعَنَ اللهُ اُمَةً ظَلَمَتكَ

So, Allah curse those who killed you And Allah curse those who wronged you

وَلَعَنَ اللهُ اُمَةً سَمِعت بـِذلك فَرَضِيَت بـه

And Allah curse those who heard the event and rested satisfied

يا مَولاي يا ابا عَبدِ اللهِ

O My Master, O Aboo ′Abdullah!

اَشهَدُ اَنّك كُنتَ نوُرا في الأصلابِ الشّامِخَةِ وَالأرحـامِ المُطَهَرَةِ

I bear witness that verily you were a light in the sublime loins and purified wombs

لم تـُنَجـِسـكَ الجـاهِليَّةُ بـاَنِجـاسـِها

The impurities of ignorance did not even tough you

وَلَم تـُلبـِسكَ مِن مُدلَهِمّاتِ ثـِيابـِها

Nor could its soiled and dirty bearing ever smear you

وَاَشـهَدُ أنَكَ مِن دَعائِم الدّين وَاَركانِ المُؤمِنينَ

I bear witness that, verily, you are the mainstay of the religion, and the supporter of the faithful ones

وَاَشهَدُ اَنّكَ الإمـام البَّرُ التَّقـيُ الرَّضـيُ الزَّكيّ الهادِي المَهدِيُ

I bear witness that, verily, you are a pious, God-fearing, favorite, wise And rightly guided (Imam)

وَاَشـهَدُ اَنَّ الأَئمّة مِن وُلْدِكَ كَلِمةُ التَّقـوى

I bear witness that the Imams, in your progeny, are the words of piety

وَاَعـلامُ الهُدى وَالعـُروةُ الوُثـقى وَالحـُجَّةُ عـَلى اَهل الدُنيـا

And the signs of guidance And the safe handle of Islam, And the decisive argument for the humankind.

وَاُشـهِدُ اللهَ وَمـلائكـَتـَهُ وَاَنبـِيائَهُ وَرُسـُلَهُ

I call Allah to give witness, and also His Angels And His Prophets and His Messenger

اَنّي بـِكـمُ مُؤمِنٌ وَبـِايِابـِكم مُوقنٌ بـَشَرائِع ديني وخواتيِم عَمَلي

That, verily, I believe in (all of) you And that I am sure of your Return Joined to the divine laws of my belief and my accomplishments

وقَلبي لقَلبِكم سِلمٌ وَاَمري لِامْرِكـمُ مُتَّبـع

And my heart is resigned to yours And my conduct is following the example of yours

صـَلَوات الله عَلَيكم وَعَلى اَرواحـِكم وَعَلى اَجـسـادِكُم

Blessings of Allah be on (all of) you and on your souls And on your bodies

وعـَلَى اَجـسـامِكُم وَعـَلى شـاهِدِكم

and on your forms and (when) you are in view

وَعـَلَى غـائِبـِكم وَعـَلَى ظـاهركم وعـلى بــاطـِنـِكـم

and (when) you are out of sight and on your style and on your substance.

بـاَبـي أَنـت وَ اُمي يَا بْن رَسـُولِ اللهِ يا ابـا عـَبـدِ اللهِ

My father and mother be sacrificed for you, O son of the Messenger of Allah! O Aba Abdullah!

لَقَد عَظـُمتِ الرَّزيَّةُ و جـَلَتِ المُصـيبـَةُ بـِكَ عَلَينا

Verily terrible was the calamity and your suffering casts gloom upon us

وَعَلى جــَمــيعِ اَهل السَّمــواتِ والأرض

And upon all the people of the heavens and the earth.

فــَلَعَنَ اللهُ اُمـةً أَسرجَت و َاَلجمـَتْ وَتـَهَيَأت و تنـقـبـت لِقـِتالِك

Therefore, curse of Allah be on the people who saddled up and gave rein to their horses and prepared to kill you.

يا مَوْلاي ياابـا عـَبـدِ اللهِ

O my Master, O Aba ′Abdullah!

قَصَدْتُ حَرَمَك وَاَتَيْت اِلى مَشْهَدِك

I moved towards your sacred shrine and came to visit you

اَسـئَلُ اللهَ بـالِشـأن الذَي لَكَ عِندَهُ

I beseech Allah by the status that you enjoy with Him

وَ بـِالمَحَل الَّذي لَكَ لَدَيهِ

And in the position that you enjoy with Him

اَن يُصـَليَعَلَى مُحـَمّدٍ وَآلِ مُحـَمّدٍ

To send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad

وَاَن يَجعَلَني مَعَكم في الدُنيا وَالآخـِرة

And keep me with you in this world and in the Hereafter

السّلامُ عـَلَيكَ يابــنَ رَسـوُلِ اللهِ

Peace be upon you, O son of the Messenger of Allah.

السـّلامُ عـَلَيكَ يابـنَ نَبـِيِ اللهِ

Peace be upon you, O son of the Prophet of Allah.

السـّلامُ عـَلَيـكَ يابـنَ اَمير المُؤمِنينَ

Peace be upon you, O son of the commander of the believers

السـّلامُ عَلَيكَ يابـنَ الحـُسـينِ الشـهيدِ

Peace be upon you, O son of al-Husayn the shaheed (martyr).

السـّلامُ عَلَيكَ ايُّها الشـَهيدُ وابـن الشـهيد

Peace be upon you, O martyred one and the son of the martyr

السـّلامُ عـَلَيكَ ايُّها المـَظـلومُ وَابـنُ المَظـلوُمِ

Peace be upon you, O the oppressed one and son of the oppressed one.

لَعَنَ اللهُ اُمةً قَتـَلَتـك وَلَعَنَ الله اُمةً ظَلَمَتـكَ

Curse of Allah be on those who killed you. Curse of Allah be on those who persecuted you.

وَلَعَن اللهُ اُمةً سـَمِعت بـِذلِك فَرَضِيت بـِهِ

Curse of Allah be on those who heard this even but rested satisfied.

السـّلامُ عَلَيكَ يا ياوَليَّ اللهِ وَابـنَ وَلِيهِ

Peace be upon you, O the saint of Allah and son of the saint of Allah.

لَقَد عَظُمتِ المُصـيبـَةُ

Verily terrible was the calamity

وَجـَلّتِ الرَزِيةُ بـِكَ عـَلينا وَعـَلَى جـَميعِ المُسـلِمينَ

And your suffering casts gloom upon us And upon all of Muslims

فَلَعَنَ اللهُ اُمةً قَتَلَتك وَاَبـرءُ اِلى اللهِ وَاِليكَ مـِنهم

So, curse of Allah be on those who killed you And I disconnect all links with them and turn to Allah and you.

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