HSSC Art and Craft Result 2021 - Summary
Haryana Staff Selection (HSSC) has released selection candidates list who are qualified in written exam for the post of Art & Craft Teacher (against Advt. No.06/2006, Cat. No. 22) Candidates can download HSSC Art and Craft Result from the official website of HSSC i.e. hssc.gov.in or it can be directly download from the link given below.
In Compliance of Hon’ble High Court orders dated 20.02.2015 in CWP No. 23394/2010, LPA No.359/2015 order dated 10.11.2020, SLP No. 14171/2020 order dated 14.12.2020 and on the basis of Written Examination held on 31.01.2021 for the post of Art & Craft Teacher ,School Education, Haryana against Advt. No. 06/2006 , Category No. 22, the candidates bearing following Roll Nos. have been called for Scrutiny of Documents provisionally to ascertain eligible candidates against the advertised posts and further subject to the fulfillment of their eligibility conditions as per respective advertisement and service rules