Odisha Chief Minister Relief Fund Form - Summary
The Odisha Chief Minister’s Relief Fund is dedicated to providing essential treatments to distressed individuals affected by major natural disasters such as floods, droughts, and fire accidents. It also offers financial help for the treatment of severe illnesses. Here, you will find the Application Form for Treatment Assistance from the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund (CMRF), issued by the Government of Odisha, which you can download as a PDF.
Important Information for the CMRF Form
Details to be mentioned in CMRF Form
- Name of Patient
- Occupation
- Address Details
- Disease from which suffering
- Name of Hospital where the treatment is being received
- Whether Financial Assistance for the same purpose has been received from OSTF / PM’s Relief Fund / CMRF
- Whether an RSBY/ BKKY Card Holder (if yes, attach the self-attested photocopy of the cards)
- Any Other information
Documents Required for CMRF Form
- Patient Bed Head ticket.
- Discharge Certificate.
- Bills of expenditure.
- BPL Card.
- Original e-income Certificate.
- Voter ID Card / Aadhar Card.
- RSBY/ BKKY Card.
The Odisha Chief Minister’s Relief Fund (CMRF) aims to support poor and underprivileged people in the state by assisting them with serious medical conditions like cardiac diseases, kidney transplants, cancer, and more.
The CMRF also provides immediate aid to families of those affected by natural disasters such as floods, droughts, cyclones, earthquakes, and other tragic events. Financial support is offered to the victims’ relatives of major road accidents or riots.
Not just within the state, but the Odisha Chief Minister’s Relief Fund has also extended financial help to those who have faced disastrous natural calamities outside the State or even the Country. 🌍
The funding for the Odisha Chief Minister’s Relief Fund comes from the state budget and donations from individuals and organizations. However, donations specifying a particular use are not accepted.
Funds from the CMRF are securely deposited in nationalized banks. Assistance is only granted after obtaining approval from the Hon’ble Chief Minister. To effectively manage and monitor the CMRF functions, a Trust Board has been established, chaired by the Chief Secretary of Odisha, along with other key officials as Trustees.
To provide assistance to even more deserving individuals, district Collectors have been given the authority to approve fund allocations from the CMRF for urgent medical treatment and rehabilitation.
The Herischandra Sahayata Yojana (HSY) is another important part of the Odisha Chief Minister’s Relief Fund. This scheme provides financial help of Rs. 2,000/- to families in rural areas and Rs. 3,000/- in urban areas for performing last rites of their deceased family members. An online application system has been created for efficient disbursement of HSY assistance.
Additionally, to ease the burden of transporting the deceased, specially designed hearse vehicles have been made available through CMRF resources to district hospitals and medical colleges under the “Mahaprayan” initiative.
Donating to the Odisha Chief Minister’s Relief Fund provides a tax benefit, with 100% exemption under Section 80 (G) of the Income Tax Act, 1961. The PAN for the Odisha Chief Minister’s Relief Fund is AAATO4364P.
You can download the Odisha Chief Minister Relief Fund Form in PDF format using the link given below or the alternative link.