Hindutva (हिन्दुत्व) Who is a Hindu by Veer Savarkar - Summary
Hindutva (हिन्दुत्व): Who is a Hindu? is an important ideological pamphlet by Vinayak Damodar Savarkar. First published in 1923 as Essentials Of Hindutva, it was re-titled as Hindutva: Who Is a Hindu? during its reprint in 1928.
Savarkar defined Hinduism not only as a religion but also as an ethnic, cultural, and political identity. According to him, Hindus are those who view India as the land of their ancestors and the birthplace of their religion. In this context, he strongly advocated for the creation of a Hindu state.
हिन्दुत्व – हिन्दू कौन है? वीर सावरकर की एक अद्भुत रचना – डाउनलोड करें हिन्दी में
Savarkar’s main argument throughout the book is that Hindutva is much more than just a religious identity; it also includes cultural, geographical, and nationalistic aspects.
He believed that anyone who regards India as their ancestral home, who appreciates its rich culture and traditions, and who considers it their motherland qualifies as a Hindu, irrespective of their own religious practices. Savarkar aimed to foster a strong sense of unity among Hindus, celebrating their common history, culture, and heritage.
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