Independence Day Guidelines 2020 - Summary
Every year, Independence Day is celebrated with grandeur, gaiety, fervour and enthusiasm. This year also, the Independence Day will be celebrated in a manner befitting the occasion. However, in view of the spread of Covid-19 pandemic, while organizing various programmes or activities for the Independence Day celebrations, it is imperative to follow certain preventive measures such as maintaining social distancing, wearing of masks, proper sanitization, avoiding large to COVID 19 issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Health & Family congregation of people is avoided and technology is used in a best possible manner congregation, protecting vulnerable persons, etc., and follow all guidelines related Welfare. Therefore all programmes should be organized in a way that targets
for celebration befitting the occasion. The events organized could be web-cast in order to reach out to people at large, who are not able to participate.
Download the Independence Day Guidelines 2020 in PDF format using the link given below or alternative link.