SYRO Malabar Liturgical Calendar 2022 - Summary
SYRO Malabar Liturgical Calendar 2022 PDF is published ad experimentum as the second set of readings for the liturgical celebration, based on the decision of the Syro-Malabar Bishops’ Synod held in January 2021. According to the calendar of the East Syrian Church, the liturgical year is divided into nine liturgical seasons. A brief explanation of the spirit of the seasons is given at the beginning of every season.
The liturgical year is centered around the Holy Mysteries of the Salvation History. Birth of Jesus (Suvara-Yalda), Baptism (Denha), Passion and Death of our Lord (Sauma Ramba), Resurrection- Easter (Qyamtha) Pentecost (Sleehe), Growth of the Church (Kaitha), Transfiguration and Exaltation of the Cross and the Second Coming of Jesus (Elia-Sleeva-Moose), and Dedication of the Church (Qudash Edtha) are the major salvific events commemorated.
SYRO Malabar Liturgical Calendar 2022 – Fixed Feast Days
- 1: The Holy Name of Jesus and the Circumcision
- 1: New Year’s Day
- 3: St. Kuriakose Elias
- 6: Epiphany
- 20: St. Sebastian
- 21: St. Agnes*
- 24: St. Francis de Sales
- 25: The Conversion of St. Paul
- 26: Sts. Timothy and Titus
- 26: Republic Day
- 28: St. Thomas Aquinas
- 30: World Day of Peace
- 31: St. John Bosco
- 2: The Presentation of the Lord and Purification of Our Lady
- 4: St. John Britto
- 11: Our Lady of Lourdes
- 14: Sts. Cyril and Methodius*
- 23: St. Polycarp
- 25: Bl. Rani Maria
- 18: St. Cyril of Jerusalem
- 19: The Death of St. Joseph
- 25: The Annunciation
- 24: St. George
- 25: St. Mark the Evangelist
- 29: St. Catherine of Sienna
- 1: St. Joseph, Patron of the Working Class
- 2: St. Athanasius
- 3: Sts. Philip and James, Apostles
- 6: St. Dominic Savio
- 14: St. Mathias the Apostle
- 16: St. Simon Stock*
- 23: St. Rita*
- 31: Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- 1: St. Justin
- 8: St. Mariam Thresia
- 9: St. Aprem
- 11: St. Barnabas
- 13: St. Antony of Padua
- 17: Sts. Gervasis and Prothasis*
- 21: St. Alosius Gonsaga*
- 22: Sts. John Fisher and Thomas More
- 24: Birth of John the Baptist
- 28: St. Irenaeus
- 29: Sts. Peter and Paul, Apostles
- 3: St. Thomas the Apostle
- 6: St. Maria Goretti*
- 11: St. Benedict
- 15: Sts. Kuriakose and Julitta
- 16: Our Lady of Mount Carmel
- 22: St. Mary Magdalene
- 25: St. James the Apostle
- 26: Sts. Joachim and Anne
- 28: St. Alphonsa
- 29: St. Martha
- 31: St. Ignatius of Loyola
- 1: St. Alphonse Liguori
- 4: St. John Maria Vianney
- 6: Transfiguration of Our Lord
- 8: St. Dominic
- 10: St. Lawrence*
- 11: St. Clare
- 13: St. John Berchmans*
- 14: St. Maximilian Kolbe
- 15: Assumption of Our Lady
- 15: Independence Day
- 20: St. Bernard*
- 21: St. Pius X
- 24: St. Bartholomew the Apostle
- 27: St. Monica*
- 28: St. Augustine
- 29: St. Euphrasia
- 3: St. Gregory the Great*
- 5: St. Theresa of Calcutta
- 8: The Nativity of Our Lady
- 13: St. John Chrysostom
- 14: The Exaltation of the Cross
- 21: St. Mathew the Apostle
- 27: St. Vincent de Paul
- 29: Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael
- 30: St. Jerome
- 1: St. Therese of the Child Jesus
- 2: Guardian Angels
- 4: St. Francis of Assisi
- 7: Queen of the Rosary*
- 15: St. Theresa of Avila
- 16: Bl. Thevarparampil Kunjachan
- 17: St. Ignatius of Antioch
- 18: St. Luke the Evangelist
- 22: St. John Paul II
- 28: Sts. Simon and Jude, Apostles
- 1: All Saints
- 2: Commemoration of the Dead
- 3: St. Martin de Porres*
- 5: Sts. Zachariah and Elizabeth
- 10: St. Leo the Great*
- 15: St. Albert the Great*
- 21: Dedication of Holy Mother Mary*
- 30: St. Andrew the Apostle
- 3: St. Francis Xavier
- 4: St. John Damascene*
- 5: St. Sabba*
- 7: St. Ambrose
- 8: The Immaculate Conception of Our Lady
- 14: St. John of the Cross
- 18: The Miraculous Cross at Mylapore
- 25: Christmas
- 26: St. Stephen
- 27: St. John the Apostle
- 28: Holy Childhood Day
You can download the SYRO Malabar Liturgical Calendar 2022 PDF using the link given below.