Plastindia 2023 Exhibitor List PDF

Plastindia 2023 Exhibitor List in PDF download free from the direct link below.

Plastindia 2023 Exhibitor List - Summary

PLASTINDIA 2023 is organized by and is the property of PLASTINDIA FOUNDATION (herein referred to as PF or organizers). PF, its officers, committees, agents and employees will provide all management functions of the show, to encourage interest in and demand for plastics industry products in general.

The formulation and execution of the rules and regulations of PLASTINDIA 2023 and all other matters with regard to the Exhibition will be
carried out by PLASTINDIA FOUNDATION, hereinafter called the “Organizers” or their authorized representatives. The exhibition organized
by PLASTINDIA FOUNDATION is meant for promoting, developing, coordinating and guiding the growth of plastics industry and ancillary
industry in consonance with the aims and objectives of the PLASTINDIA FOUNDATION and to improve, help, assist, coordinate,
advance/improve manpower development, research and development, technological standards, product design, education and training,
standardization and quality control, processing equipment and method, tooling, energy conservation substitution of scarce natural
resources conservation and efficiency of the plastic industry and for the benefit of the consumers/ general public.

Plastindia 2023 Exhibitor List



You can download the Plastindia 2023 Exhibitor List PDF using the link given below.

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