LTC Rules - Summary
Understanding the LTC rules is crucial for all members of the Service, particularly those serving in India. According to these rules, a “member of the Service” refers to individuals from an All India Service, as laid out in section 2 of the All India Services Act, 1951 (61 of 1951).
Short Title and Commencement
- These rules are officially known as the All India Services (Leave Travel Concession) Rules, 1975.
- They will come into effect on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
Regulation of Leave Travel Concession
- The Leave Travel Concession for a member of the Service, who is working with the Union’s affairs, will be managed in the same way and under the same conditions as it is for officers of the Central Civil Services, Group ‘A’.
- For members of the Service working in State affairs, the Leave Travel Concession will be regulated similarly, and will follow the same conditions as those for the officers of the State Civil Services, Class I.
It is important to note that the concession provided to a member of the Service under this sub-rule must not be less than what they would receive under sub-rule (1), if they were appointed to work with the Union.
Members can usually claim LTC twice in a block of four calendar years. The current block of years is from 2014-2017 (1st January 2014 to 31st December 2017). Remember, you can only claim LTC twice during this four-year period.
For further information, feel free to download the LTC Rules in PDF format using the link provided below. 📄