India Wholesale Price Index for June 2020 PDF

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India Wholesale Price Index for June 2020 - Summary

The Office of the Economic Adviser, Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade is releasing index numbers of wholesale prices in India for the month of June 2020 (Provisional) and for the month of April 2020 (Final) in this press release. Provisional figures of Wholesale Price Index (WPI) are released on the 14th of every month (or next working day) with a time lag of two weeks of the reference month and compiled with data received from institutional sources and selected manufacturing units across the country. After 10 weeks, the index is finalized and final figures are released and then frozen thereafter.


The annual rate of inflation, based on monthly WPI, stood at (-1.81%) (provisional) for the month of June 2020 (over June 2019) as compared to 2.02% during the corresponding month of the previous year.

WPI based Indices and Annual Rate of Inflation (%)*
All Commodities/Major Groups Weight (%) Apr-20 (F)       May-20 (P) June-20 (P)
Index Inflation Index Inflation Index Inflation
All Commodities 100 119.2 -1.57 117.7 -3.21 119.3 -1.81
    I. Primary Articles 22.6 137.8 -1.08 136.2 -2.92 139.3 -1.21
    II. Fuel & Power 13.2 89.8 -12.65 83.7 -19.83 88.3 -13.60
    III. Manufactured Products 64.2 118.7 0.17 118.1 -0.42 118.6 0.08
WPI Food Index 24.4 147.7 4.38 146.1 2.31 148.6 3.05

Note: P: ProvisionalF: Final, * Annual Rate of Inflation calculated over the corresponding month of last year.



India Wholesale Price Index for June 2020 PDF Download