CSC Commission List 2020 Meghalaya PDF

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CSC Commission List 2020 Meghalaya - Summary

Common Services Centers (CSCs) are a strategic cornerstone of the Digital India programme. CSCs are envisaged as assisted front-end ICT (Information and Communication Technology) enabled centres for delivery of various G2C (Government to Citizen) and other B2C (Business to Citizen) services to the citizens. These are managed and operated by local skilled entrepreneurs. The service portfolio, including G2C services, enable a sustainable rural
enterprise providing employment opportunities to local poplulation.

CSCs today are prescribed as one of the service delivery points in rural India. They are positioned as change agents, promoting rural entrepreneurship and building rural capacities and livelihoods. They focus on digital development, catalyzing rural entrepreneurs & social inclusion.

You can download the CSC Commission List 2020 Meghalaya in PDF format using the link given below.

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