43 Banned Apps List - Summary
Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India, has released a new order under section 69A of the Information Technology Act, leading to the blocking of access to 43 banned apps. This action aims to safeguard the sovereignty and integrity of India, as well as protect the security of the state and public order. The decision to block these mobile apps is based on comprehensive reports provided by the Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Center from the Ministry of Home Affairs.
Why Were These Apps Banned?
Some of these banned apps are believed to be Chinese, and the Government of India has taken this step to ensure the safety and privacy of its citizens. Earlier, on 29th June 2020, the government had already blocked access to 59 Chinese mobile apps, and on 2nd September 2020, it banned 118 more Chinese apps under the same section of the Information Technology Act. The government remains dedicated to safeguarding the interests of its citizens and ensuring that India’s sovereignty and integrity are maintained across all areas.
How to Download the List of Banned Apps
You can easily download the 43 Banned Apps List in PDF format by using the link given below. This will give you detailed information about the apps that are now restricted for use in India.
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List of 59 Chinese Apps Banned in India
List of 118 Banned Apps